Welcome to our Ministries page! On this page, you will learn more about what ministries we do here at our church and how you can get plugged-into our programs.
Sunday School
Our Sunday School classes are age graded and range from new born to senior adult. Our Sunday school classes use various literature and curriculum so every class has its own style. We are sure that there is a class right for you.
Down below, you will find our Sunday school classes and their age group:
Nursery (Babies-Preschool)
1 & 2nd Grade
3&4th Grade
5-7th Grade
Youth (8th Grade- High School)
Adult 1 (College-20s)
Adult 2 (30's - 40's)
Adult 3 (50's - 60's)
Adult 4 & 5 (Senior Adults)
Hispanic Class

Sunday Morning Service
During our morning service, we engage in balanced worship service (traditional and contemporary.)
Pastor Brian Wetzler brings the message every week directly from the Bible. This is a great time to come and check out our church if you are just visiting. You can also watch our livestream on Facebook if you are not able to make it in person.

Hispanic Ministry
Sundays @ 9:30am
In this ministry, we try to reach to out to hispanics in our community and lead them to Christ. This is a fantastic ministry led by our Hispanic Pastor, Enoc Baeza, accompanied by his family, Gigi and Samantha Baeza. They are led in worship and Bible study on Sunday mornings at 9:30am.

Sundays @ 4:45-5:45pm
On Sunday afternoons, our choir meets in the sanctuary to practice worship pieces for services. The choir accompanies the praise team, performs specials every month, and sings for Easter and Christmas services. We have devoted members who are committed to serving Christ through their gift of singing. This is a wonderful ministry for anyone who loves to sing and give praise to God.

Sunday Evening Bible Study
On Sunday nights, Pastor Brian Wetzler leads us in Bible study in the fellowship hall. This is for all age groups wanting to go more depth in the Bible and to truly understand what God is saying. This is an opportunity for us to challenge our minds and to think about why we believe in the Bible and why we are Christians. This consist of group discussions, questions, and great church fellowship.

Awana Program
Wednesdays @ 6:30pm
On Wednesday nights, we have our Awana program for our kids. This program is divided into three groups: Cubbies, Sparks, and TNT. In each group, we teach and train them about the basics of the Bible so they can eventually come to understand who Jesus is and have an opportunity to have a relationship with Him.
*Dinner @ 6:00pm in fellowship hall*

Youth Program
Wednesdays @ 6:15pm
Our Youth program, known as The Element, is another wonderful ministry on Wednesday nights. This program is led by our youth director, Missy Clark, along with Dereck Buford and Mike & Rachel Pirtle. The goal of this ministry is to disciple our teens and to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Also, we want to prepare them for their lives after high school so they can be grounded in their faith.
*Dinner @ 6:00pm in fellowship hall*
Wednesday Adult Bible Study
Wednesdays @ 7:00pm
This class serves as discipleship training and helps our adults learn more about scripture so they can be more equipped in their walk with Jesus Christ.
*Dinner @ 6:00pm in fellowship hall*

Once a month
WMU (Women Missionary Union) is a ministry for women who want to learn about and support missions. This is for all ladies of the church. This group meets twice every month. The first Monday of the month is dedicated to studying missions and working on mission projects. The fourth Monday of the month is dedicated to visiting the inbound and shut-ins of our church family. Check out the WMU website to learn more. https://wmu.com/